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Hogarth Community Centre dani.karas@hogarthtrust.org.uk
Hogarth Youth and Community Centre, Duke Road, Chiswick, W4 2JR
We are providing 4 weeks of FREE summer activities for young  which include Football, Drama, Health Info, T-Shirt Printing, Art, Music, Cricket, Basketball, Cooking, DJ Workshop. Badminton, Cooking, Wii, Volleyball, Jewellery Making, Rounders AND MORE... FOR MORE INFORMATION: Phone: 020 8747 1999 Email: dee.hutchy@live.co.uk and request a summer programme. Website: www.hogarthtrust.org.uk to or Come and Visit us: at the Youth Centre and pick up a programme.
Dukes Meadows Trust 020 8742 2225
The Pavilion, Market Drive, Chiswick, London, W4 2RX
A community driven conservation charity, working to restore the leisure potential and bio diversity a riverside park in Chiswick. Honorary Patron Richard Briers CBE
Brentford and Chiswick Local History Society 020 8994 4231
12 Brook Road South, Brentford, TW8 0NN
If you would like to join the Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society send a cheque for £9 made payable to the "Brentford and Chiswick Local History Society" to Membership Secretary, 154 Woodland Gardens, Isleworth TW7 6LR plus your name, address and phone number or see http://brentfordandchiswicklhs.org.uk/about-2/membership/
Chiswick House Kitchen Garden info@kitchengarden.org.uk
The Kitchen Garden, Chiswick House Grounds, Chiswick, W4 2RP
Run drop-in sessions, open days, gardening sessions for local schoolchildre, after-school gardening clubs, Duke of Edinburgh sessions, green gym digging work-outs, etc
Chiswick Catenians 07956 577 446
W4 4PU
The Catenian Association is an international brotherhood of Catholic business and professional men. We meet socially,  which is a reflection of the mutual support and sharing of common values that is found within the Association.
Oxford Road North, behind Carfax Court flats, Chiswick, W4 4DN
Friendship club for older people meets Mon & Thur 10am-4pm - tea, coffee, snacks, music, bingo, keep fit, craft group, talks, coach trips and much more. Hall available for hire. Modern facilities. Reg Charity: 1164423. 
See our Facebook page for info.
Chiswick Lifeboat Station 08451 226999
The Pier House, Corney Reach Way, Corney Road, Chiswick, W4 2UG
The second busiest RNLI lifeboat station. Stretches from Battersea to Richmond.
Became operational in 2002, following the Marchioness inquiries. The lifeboat has a mix of fulltime and volunteer crew.
The lifeboat has a mix of full time and volunteer crew. There is close cooperation with the other emergency services in London.The lifeboat has a mix of full time and volunteer crew.  There is close cooperation with the other emergency services in London.
Chiswick House Friends secretary@chfriends.org.uk
19 Upham Park Road, Chiswick, W4 1PQ
Doing a huge amount behind the scenes to try and stop the vandalism and graffiti ... To join please contact the Membership Secretary
Chiswick Working Mothers' Group julia.edwards@londonmet.ac.uk
W4 5LB

Support network meets monthly for social evenings, knowledge-sharing, outings or invited speakers. New members welcome, whether working, on maternity-leave, job-seeking or retired

Club West 020 8992 6134

Social club for unattached people in their 40s, 50s and 60s. We meet for pub lunches, coffee mornings, quizzes, meals out and music events.

Chiswick Horticultural and Allotments membership@growchiswick.org
The Allotments, Staveley Road, Chiswick, W4 2SJ

For all who enjoy growing plants in their gardens, allotments, conservatories, or in window boxes

The Victorian Society 020 8994 1019
1 Priory Gardens, Chiswick, W4 1TT

Campaigning for Victorian and Edwardian architecture

University of the Third Age comsec.u3ahf@gmail.com
W14 9BA

Retired/semi-retired? U3A-membership enables you to participate in educational, creative and leisure activities in the company of others.

West London Postcard Club 020 8566 5273
Chiswick Town Hall, Chiswick, W4 4JN

Meetings: Chiswick Town Hall. Third Friday of each month except January and August (7.15 pm).  Secretary: 020 8566 5273

The Bedford Park Society secretary@bedfordpark.org.uk
31 Priory Avenue, Bedford Park, W4 1TZ

Protects the amenities of the earliest garden suburb. It has been instrumental in protecting the work of Shaw, Godwin, Wilson, May and others since 1963.

West London Chess Club 07768 940789
Chiswick Town Hall, Heathfield Terrace, Chiswick, W4 4JN

Caters for players of all types and abilities. Members can play competitive games. Friendly or 'blitz' games every Wednesday. Junior club normally on Saturday mornings.