Osteopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Weight management, Foot treatment, Mesotherapy, Laser therapy, Pilates, Chi Gong, Hypnotherapy. Mob 07758 212525
Hollistic approach to help people feel better. Special interest in back pain, sports injury, poor posture, post pregnancy. Registered with most UK Private Health Insurances
Treatment for adults, children & babies. Cranial & structural. Over 16 years experience. Diagnosis, preventative advice,routine maintenance, check-ups. Registered with all major insurance companies
OneBody offers Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Pilates and massage. Sports injuries, back and neck pain, and muscle and joint recovery. Bespoke orthotics - Women's health/paediatric
Over 16 years treating sciatica, back, neck, shoulder, knees & more. Specialised interest treating infants, children & pregnant mothers. Recognised by Private Health Insurers.
Treatment for adults, mothers and babies, children. With ten years experience of nursing - use of dry needling, cranial, myofascial techniques, naturopathic advice.
For pain, discomfort, limited mobility. Mobile 07740 149378
John Galvao-Rogers runs the Avalon Clinic of 20 years, using Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy, Thai Yoga Massage, also pioneering in Cosmetic Acupuncture.