Osteopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Weight management, Foot treatment, Mesotherapy, Laser therapy, Pilates, Chi Gong, Hypnotherapy. Mob 07758 212525
Deep Tissue & Sports Massage, Pregnancy & Postnatal Massage. Metamorphic Technique, Reiki Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique.
upto40%off, endof 01-01-2012. Dr Zhang(John) provide professional Acupuncture,Massage,Herbs,GuaSha Reflexology Moxibustion treatment, specialising in pain,smokingStressOverWeight, Infertility,Sexdrive problems
Georgiana Barrowcliff BA Hons LicAc. MBAcC is a very experienced practitioner of Five Element acupuncture in Chiswick who treats body,mind and spirit.
Services are based and tailored on a wide range of psychological approaches to aid any issues. Dip.Psy., Dip.CBT, Dip NLP, Counselling, Psychoanalysis & Hypnosis
An experienced and professional counselling, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy services for individuals and couples based in the heart of Chiswick
Holistic Health and Beauty Practice offering a full range of beauty and complementary treatments.
Bowen therapist
Courses, workshops and one to one sessions in tai chi, chi kung, mindfulness and meditation. Also available in Ealing, London W5
Treatment using Herbalism, Naturopathy and NLP. Focus on de-toxification, nutrition and maintaining wellbeing. References available.
A complete ante-natal course which teaches you practical tools and hypnosis techniques to use during labour.
Alexander Technique
 In pain?Traditional eastern medicines -Ayurveda, Acupuncture,Yoga- and modern PhotoBioModulation NovoTHOR, body composition InBody-Styku, compression therapy Pro Ballancer,Endermologie,sport massage ...
Qualified Life Coach. LifeCoaching helps you live your best possible life; helps you get from where you are to where you want to be.Â
Focusing on the real you within - specialising in overcoming depression, limiting beliefs and negative emotions. Integrate your heart and mind...experience instant and lasting results.
Group classes or private classes in your home suitable for babies from 3 weeks to crawling. IAIM qualified. Reflexology treatments in Brackenbury Clinic W6 & Acton.
Alexander Technique teacher offers lessons in Chiswick
CBD products and coffee shop
We are a team of experienced, professionally accredited counsellors and psychotherapists based in Chiswick, throughout West London and online. Contact us today for a chat!
Improve Posture - Ease Body Tensions - Enhance Flexibility and Wellbeing First session offer: £80 www.rolfinginlondon.com Alain Zakeossian, Certified Rolfer®
Hypnotherapy and EMDR in Chiswick -Using: Hypnosis, EMDR, CBT Â Addressing: Trauma, Anxiety, IBS, Phobias, Insomnia, Depression, Eating Disorders, Weight Loss, Procrastination, Smoking, Addictions, Habits.
Professional Services: Counselling/Psychotherapy and Autogenic Training available at the Holly Road Medical Centre. Counsellor/Psychotherapist. Additional Languages: Italian, German, Spanish.
Refresher antenatal courses with Vicky Abbott. Small, informal sessions designed for mums-only so that you can concentrate on your pregnancy, birth and early days.
 Alexander Technique teacher,  Mezieres' Method practitioner. Also Sport&Remedial Massage.
With 40 years experience as a Spiritualist Medium, trained at the College of Psychic Studies in London, I offer mediumistic guidance on all matters.
May Yung specialises in women’s health issues and offers Traditional Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Tuina, Acupressure, Cupping, Moxibustion, dietary and lifestyle guidance.
Relaxing Reflexology treatments to balance and calm the body and mind. Â Fully qualified including hot stone reflexology and woman's health.
Certified life coach.I equip women with creative tools to overcome their fears, self doubt and guilt, to actively participate in their own transformation.
Senior Accredited/23 years experience. Â Helping individuals and couples improve thier lives, health and relationships by combining hypnotherapy, counselling & coaching. Â Trauma Specialist.
Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT and Coaching. Â Stress, anxiety, depression, pain, fear of public speaking, weight loss, smoking cessation, confidence, phobias, habits. Â Free initial consultation.
June O’Reilly is a fully qualified acupuncturist (LicAc, MBAcC), trained in Asia & U.K. She runs 3 clinics in Chiswick and Acton.
Teresa Williamson BSc(1st Class Honours) Lic Ac MBAcC practices an integrated style of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Elements acupuncture.
Complementary Therapies
Strengthening and relaxing Forrest yoga. Â Privates and small groups. W4 class Tue 7-8pm. Start: Tue 6/9. Booking required.Â
Treatment for adults, mothers and babies, children. With ten years experience of nursing - use of dry needling, cranial, myofascial techniques, naturopathic advice.
Personalised hypnotherapy: anxiety/low self-esteem, IBS, smoking cessation, weight, menopause, pre exam stress, releasing relationships & much
Fully qualified Reflexologist specialising in pregnancy & post-partum, but happy to meet anyone whatever the reason for reflexology
Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine
Alexander Technique teacher
Vitamin Clinic
Traditional Chinese Medicine. Provide herbs, Acupunture, Massage.
We are a team of professional and experienced counsellors, psychotherapists and hypnotherapists working in Chiswick and other locations across West London.
Life coaching
Atsuko (LicAc, MBAcC) practices Acupuncture and Japanese Herbal Medicine, specializing in fertility, pregnancy, pains, stress, digestive disorders, skin conditions.